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The Role of Kenya School of TVET in improing technical vocational skills development

Thomas Mweu Kitonyi Deputy Principal, Planning, Administration And Finance, Kenya School Of TVET

In the recent publication on Education news, our DP Administration and Finance , Mr Thomas Mweu Kitonyi said that a number of reforms have been undertaken in Kenya to improve the skills system and link the skills to labour market demand, particularly in the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector. He mentioned the establishment of several institutions, like the TVET Authority, the Kenya National Qualification Authority, and the Kenya School of TVET.

He highlighted the importance of the Kenya School of TVET in contributing to an effective, responsive, and efficient skills system. He said that the school can achieve this by regularly reviewing curricula with industry, promoting lifelong learning by encouraging TVET trainers to participate in continuous professional development, promoting work-based learning, and strengthening ODeL utilization in TVET.

Mr Kitonyi also emphasized the importance of adopting the CBET delivery approach in all TVET programmes and capacity-building TVET trainers to develop fair and efficient assessment techniques. Finally, he said that the school can support skill development by promoting alliances with industry and integrating technology and soft skills into training.

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