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Liberal studies

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  • KSTVET is conducting a workshop for external assessors at the Teaching Practice Induction Seminar from February 3rd to 6th, 2025, at the KSTVET Hotel
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  • April 2025 Intake for All our Programs (DTTE & CIT) are ongoing, Join us for April 2025 intake .  Apply Now

Background Information

Department of Liberal Studies, formally Information Studies, was established after restructuring of departments in 2021 to train Diploma in Technical Trainer Education(DTTE). Liberal Studies department encompass the following study areas: information science &  information Literacy which (replaced Library user Education), Social work & Community Development, English & other Languages, and Communication Media,

Initially Information Studies was a section under the Department of Library services offering Library User Education (LUE) services to the clientele of Kenya School of TVET. The section was referred to as the Instructor Development Section. Its main Objective was to provide Library User Instructions to Technical Education students during the first three months of their course.

In January 1995, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) posted trained staff in Library and information science, for the first time, to teach Library User Education as a course of study. In 2001, the department started offering Diploma in Library and Information studies. Later the Department of library services was split into two; Department of library services (non academic) and Department of information studies (academic).

Departmental vision

A center of excellence in training and research for service to humanity.

Departmental mission

To provide quality training in teacher education and technology by offering relevant programmes.

Our Objective:

To equip trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes required to train in TVET institutions.

Mr Alfred Ondoro



Teaching Staff:


1.  Mr Alfred Ondoro. Head of Department
2.  Lucy Muchemi Deputy Head of Department
4. Esther Muria Trainer
5. Kangai Mwangi Trainer
  1. Introduction to the departmental services
  2. Liberal Studies department is committed to providing high quality services to all our customers.  The department is continually on its services to ensure that we meet and exceed customer expectations.
  3. Role of the service delivery charter
  4. The service charter clearly identifies Liberal department’s purpose, its customer base and its services. It sets out the department’s customer service standards and customer rights and responsibilities
  5. Departmental vision
  6. A center of excellence in training and research for service to humanity
  7. Departmental mission
  8. To provide quality training in teacher education and technology by offering relevant programmes
  9. Departmental core values
  •  Innovation and Creativity
  •  Integrity
  •  Inclusivity
  •  Team work
  •  Professionalism
  •  Transparency and Accountability.
1 Application Diploma

Higher Diploma


Free Continuous
2 Admission Letter of admission Full payment of college fee Continuous


3 Teaching & learning Regular attendance of classes Free As per the timetable
4 Sit for 3 CATS  per term Regular class attendance Free As per schedule of CATS 
5  Sit for end term Examinations -75% attendance of classes

-Completion of fee payment

Free As per examination time table
6 Provision  of  reports Sit for exams Free After the academic committee approval
7 Other Services Nil Free As need arises


Our customers are entitled to:

  •  Quality and timely service
  • Access to relevant information and feedback
  • Confidentiality


Our customers are expected to meet the following obligations:

  • Prompt payment of fees and levies
  • Adhere to our policies and regulations and provide accurate information


Liberal Studies department undertakes to meet and exceed our customer expectation.

However, in case of a lapse in our service delivery, you may raise complaints as follows:

  • Raise it at the Liberal Studies department level
  • Telephone 0707444222/0786444600 and ask for the HOD Liberal Studies Department office
  • Write a letter to KSTVET Complaints Committee using the address 44600-00100, Nairobi.
  • Fill in a complaint form and deposit it at the complaints box near the entrance.
  • Send an email of the complaint through